Friday, 12 October 2012

Dogs and Radios

I was unable to attend the Mesa ARC meeting last month due to clinicals
at the hospital. I don't know if we have a camping trip this year, where
if we do, or when (ie, what weekend).

Since we are a dog friendly club, if there is no camping trip/events
planned for this Saturday the 20th, I'd like to invite every one to join
me at the Shawnee Dog park (1400 W. Mesquite St) in Chandler at the
intersection of Alma School and W. Mesquite St from 9am to 11am.

Let me know if you are interested in getting out for your dog and
hanging out with some fellow hams.

I am extending this invitation to the SupARC members also.


Vinnie Chapman,

Sent from my Ubuntu Desktop


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