Friday 5 August 2016

Varsity Troop Ham Radio operator request

I got a request from a local Varsity Scout leader looking for some hams to help out.

September 17th the troop will be participating in the On Target project. They climb to tops of peaks, use mirrors to signal other peaks.

I have another commitment, otherwise I would help out.

So here is a call out to all club members.

What you will be doing is a ton of simplex and repeater work on VHF and UHF. You will be the radio communications link between other mountains. They would like to have some demonstrations, get them on the air as well. This is one where there will be a ton of Third Party traffic transmitted, encouraging the youth to look at Ham Radio, maybe do some camping. There is a great chance of you even getting them on the air on HF.

I am not sure what mountain they will be heading to. Right now they are still in the planning phase. So you might have to do some hiking, or there might be a road right to the top.

If interested, please message us, I will then send your contact info to the Troop leader and have him reach out to you. This guy is a great guy, I have been friends with him for years now. This troop is a Mormon Troop, not that religion should be an issue, but for those of you who are Mormon, this might be a great time to step up and help out.

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.Mark Twain

KE7VLC Amateur Extra Class
Orion Thrower

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