Saturday 10 February 2018

[cactuswings 3897] Aircraft and Fuselages for sale at MHV

I am currently representing one of the owners out at VCV/MHV boneyard's who is looking to sell off some surplus and we are looking for qualified A&P folks who could volunteer time to help us move the entire yard from one yard to another . We will be getting hotel rooms outside MHV at a reduced rate ( your expense ) , breakfast provided by the hotels , we supply lunch dinner and beverages . We are looking for mechanics pilots who won't mind getting dirty . It will take 10 days to move everything but you stay as long as you can.

This inventory is the Scroggins Aviation yard.

Please understand this , and do not take offense. No Photography permitted. Spotters and Photographers need not apply.

Here is the rub . The US govt is using the airfield for security training in the yards .
Because of this , Photography is prohibited during the move . If you are caught , you will be escorted off the property and could face legal action with the govt , not to mention , but we could be fined as well , plus the airlines that have aircraft out there choose not to have their active fleets photographed in storage . It doesn't look good for business .

Images can be taken from behind the flight line
or from the exterior fence line , not on the ramp , yard or escort across active runways and handstands . Not even cellphones .

Other than that one stipulation , if you are a qualified mechanic , come on out . You never know who you'll meet , we have guys flying in to help out , it will be fun .

James MCF

Sent from my iPhone

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