Tuesday 4 June 2013

[cactuswings 2324] sorry to clutter things up, but...

Hi, guys--
I apologize for using the forum for this but once again I wanted to reach out to the collectors among us and let them know that I still have a fairly significant bunch of stuff that I am trying to sell to raise needed funds.  At the core is more than 4000 airline timetables plus in-flight magazines, books and general memorabilia, ranging from simple flyers and announcements to cabin amenities and promotional items.  These latter even include a few things that might be considered toys and the like.  I also have a fair number of Aviation Week magazines and other periodicals.  And I do have some surplus slides as well, although this is perhaps the least organized part of the collection at the moment.  I'm willing to part with everything, from small batches to the whole lot, and I thought, and hoped, that this might be the best way to reach some of you who could be interested or know someone who would be.  This is especially true since I seem to be too dense to figure out how to deal with eBay.  Let me know what sort of items you are curious about and I can send lists of what's available in those areas.
Please note that the best way to contact me is directly through my personal email (address below) rather than replying through cactuswings.  I'm already sorry for intruding this much, and I'd rather not clutter up the forum any more than necessary--and I want to say I appreciate the non-collectors for putting up with it.  And, as I said, whether you are interested or not, if you know anyone who might be please feel free to give them my address as well.
Many thanks to all of you for your help and your patience with this.
Bob Yates


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