Tuesday 18 September 2012

Reminder about Mesa ARC Club meeting

Tuesday Sept 25th from 6:30 to 8:30 at the Mesa Utilities Building, 640
N Mesa Dr.


Topic: Emergencies Preparedness Month (Orion)

Not sure if everyone is aware, but September is the National
Prepapredness month. Now is the time to create a new go to kit, or
revamp it, check your batteries to make sure they are still good, make a
better first aid kit or something of that nature. It's also a good time
to sit down with your family and go over your current Emergency Action
Plan (EAP is what I call this) or create one. You should have several
plans for different contengencies.

I also strongly suggesting everyone go to http://www.ready.gov/ and
check out what FEMA has created. They have pointers, how to create a
plan page, and info on what to think about. Great info.

I did put in a Pledge for our club to be prepared, and that's what we
will be talking about in our next meeting, which is in September.

We will be talking about disasters, what they are, how to prepare for
them, what to expect, what to pack, and of course how Amateur Radio
plays a part.

If anyone has a Go-kit, please bring it, I will give you a few minutes
to go through and explain your equipment. If you have a disaster plan,
again, please bring it.

This will be more of a discussion than a set presentation since I like
the club to be active and thinking. I will have a power point but we
don't have to go off of it at all if it gets to that point.

Vinnie Chapman,

Sent from my Ubuntu Desktop


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