Saturday 18 May 2013

Field Day locations

Ok we have had some input from members of the club.  We have decided that since we couldn't find a group camp site that is open during the particular weekend of June 21st, 22nd and 23rd, we decided we will choose two spots.  If the first spot is taken then we will proceed to the second spot.

Spot A will be Pioneer Pass campground

Spot B will be Oak Flats Campground.

We will have someone go up either Thursday or Friday morning and start setting up.  This person will contact one of us via radio or cell phone by no later than Friday night at which point I will post the location.

So here are the two spots that we will be going to.  Please make note of both locations.  Remember the start of the event is Saturday at 11am.  Since we are not operating the full time, if we have enough people up there early enough either Friday night or Saturday morning, we will go ahead and setup the antenna(s).  This year will be different.  We will not be operating for points, but purely for fun.  We will keep track of our contacts, but our goal is to be proficient in our operations and have fun, we will conduct a little bit of training for those who have never been on HF before and get them on the air.  HF is addicting, and for those who hold a tech license, this is the best time to get on the air.

I want to focus on having a good time rather than making this into a contest.  Please join us if you can!!!

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.Mark Twain

KE7VLC Amateur Extra Class
Orion Thrower

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