Tuesday 16 April 2013

Re: Digest for wm7rc@googlegroups.com - 1 Message in 1 Topic

Hello Orion,
Be leave it or not Myrna and I have not forgotten the West Mesa Radio Club. For the last two months she has undergone major surgery and is just now beginning to walk a little with the help of a walker and two canes at times.
Do you know where WM7RC is holding Field Day this year? Again Myrna and I will probably only spend the day on Saturday or part of Saturday at least. What ever happened in the past is over and we are glad to see you still active in ham radio. See you my friend. Regards, Terry and Myrna Cross nk7t-kn7m.
---- wm7rc@googlegroups.com wrote:
Today's Topic Summary

Group: wm7rc@googlegroups.com
Url: http://groups.google.com/group/wm7rc/topics

- July meeting topic [1 Update]

Topic: July meeting topic
Url: http://groups.google.com/group/wm7rc/t/b7910a5c7fa78afe

---------- 1 of 1 ----------
From: Orion Thrower <orion.thrower@gmail.com>
Date: Apr 11 09:35PM -0700
Url: http://groups.google.com/group/wm7rc/msg/1580528181878f12

Ok I will need some feedback. The next major meeting topic (May meeting),
is Autopatch/Repeater linking. Now I am not sure exactly what was exactly
wanted to be taught, other than maybe working with the autopatch and what
repeater linking is and why it's done, but it should be a relatively easy
class, which is why I am thinking it's perfect for May.

Since I teach most of the classes I am hoping that maybe someone would like
to step in and take the lead and be able to teach the class. Unless,
everyone just loves hearing me talk till the cows come home. So if you
think that you would like to step in and teach the class, let me know. Or
if you think that we need something different.

The topics that were brought up were:

- Autopatch and repeater linking
- J-Pole Building
- RC Planes and how Hams utilize their frequencies for this hobby
- Building a Repeater/GMRS repeater usage for communications with
- Skywarn
- Mini Fox hunts

J-pole building can be the teaching topic at Field Day, but I think for
those who can't make it to FD, we will teach this as a class at one of the
meetings. We just wont build them.

Skywarn is in April, so we can check that one off the list. I think
building a repeater/GMRS repeater usage should be done at a meeting where
we have the full two hours to do. So if someone wants to tackle this one,
speak up.

Same goes for APRS since I have no experience with APRS, but if I am forced
to do this, I can.

Are there any topics that any of you would like to see or hear? Is there a
topic that you are an expert (term used loosely) in that you would be
willing to teach? Please keep it Ham Radio related. I have been to
another club in the valley where they had meetings they discussed the black
box in your car.

So I would like to hear thoughts, comments, ideas, and/or volunteers.
Remember, this is YOUR club, not mine. IF it was mine, we would be having
nights where we would be playing video games and talking about cooking over
an open fire. Or better yet, backpacking, camping, sailing or needlepoint
(just kidding!!!). To me Ham Radio is just one of the thousands of hobbies
I have interest in.

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you
didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away
from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream.
Discover.*Mark Twain*

KE7VLC Amateur Extra Class
Orion Thrower

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