Wednesday 10 April 2013

Upcoming Events and Skywarn

Upcoming club events:

April 24th Skywarn class
April 27th Titan Missile Museum Trip
May 22nd is a Planning Meeting for Field Day/ as well as one topic to discuss
June 22nd and 23rd Field Day (REMEMBER there is no meeting on June due to Field Day)

The last few club meetings we have had some low turn out.  I am thinking that this might be due to personal commitments.  For those who have missed the past few meetings, we do miss you and it would be wonderful to see more of you if you can.

Anyways, we have roughly about 40 people showing up so far for the Skywarn class.  We are needing club members to help setup.  The more we have, the shorter it takes to do both setup and break down.  All club members who show up get enrolled in the class automatically.  This might be a good time to renew your basic class certification, which is supposed to be renewed every other year.  I have a few members who have already mentioned they are coming, so those who haven't reached out to me and want to attend, either show up or let me know.

Also, don't forget that the 27th is the annual trip to the TMM.  Its a great time to get on the air with a Cold War discone antenna.  The only thing that costs, is the gas to get down there, your own meals and about $9 for the tour of the historic site which is optional.

Please put on your thinking caps to help us locate a spot up on the Rim for Field Day.  I would prefer going someplace cooler than Phoenix since it's in June.  So if you have thoughts of places to go, let me hear about it.  There is one site, but it's a pay site.  This might not be good for the club since it does cost money, but it guarantees us a spot without having to worry about whether or not another club or another group gets our spot and we have to go to plan B.  This also eliminates the need to haul water up, and gives us access to pit toilets.  It's just a thought.

We also need more members to step up and take on teaching us some classes.  If you have a specific talent or you have a topic you can learn and then share with the rest of us, please let me know so I can get it scheduled in.  I would like to stick to the topics chosen but if nobody wants to step in and teach these then I am willing to change the schedule around.

If there is anything else I am missing, please let me know.

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.Mark Twain

KE7VLC Amateur Extra Class
Orion Thrower

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