Wednesday 30 September 2015

Meetings and Meeting locations

Ok we are putting a call out to all of our members.

Due to the low turn out for Thursday night meetings, and the fact that most members have a hard time making it due to family and work commitments, we are thinking that the once a month meeting during a week is not a good idea.

So we were discussing it this past meeting and a few suggestions were to move it to a Saturday instead.  This then brings up an issue with where to meet, since the current place we meet is closed on the weekends.

So I am putting a call out to all members to come up with some suggestions.  Now during the winter months, it's not all that difficult because we could simply meet in a park, which would allow us to not only practice radio by having some radio setups and do some demos, but it would also provide us with maybe some possible community service by maybe policing the park for garbage as well.  Not a bad idea at all I think.

But the issue is during the summer months, it gets hot and I don't think everyone would like to meet at 2am at a park.  So please start brainstorming for some places to meet up. 

Here are some things to take into consideration.  The place we meet at doesn't charge us.  There are other meeting places that charge somewhere between $25 to $45 per month to meet there.  Unless we start charging dues to help cover that, or pass the hat around to cover it, we would like to try to minimize the cost if at all possible.  So a free meeting place would be wonderful.

The one other criteria that we need to consider is a white board and/or projector.  The club does not currently own a projector.  We would like to purchase one, but they get expensive.  So if someone knows an organization or a business that would like to donate one, or maybe if members would like to pitch in for one, that would be great.  It's not needed, but would be nice for demos.

It needs to be a place where there is plenty of parking as well.

It needs to be open on Saturdays or Sundays.  We prefer Saturdays just because we do have members who go to Church, but we are not opposed to doing things on Sunday.

So if any of you know of a place that meets these criteria, then please let us know.  Some ideas were meeting places like Mesa Williams Gateway Airport.  Maybe a Church?  These are just a few ideas.

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.Mark Twain

KE7VLC Amateur Extra Class
Orion Thrower

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